Middle east

After the Bloody Attack in Abyan… The Yemeni Government Vows to Combat Terrorism and Rebellion

The Yemeni government vowed on Friday to fight terrorism and rebellion, stating that the blood of “our men will not be shed in vain,” while the southern forces pledged a “harsh reaction.”

A suicide bomber from the Al-Qaeda organization targeted, with a car bomb, a gathering center for soldiers of the Third Support and Backup Brigade in the town of “Al-Furayd” in the Mudiyah district, eastern Abyan province, resulting in the death of 16 soldiers and the injury of more than 20 others.

This bloody attack, the first of its kind since Saad Al-Aulaqi ascended as the new leader of the terrorist organization’s branch in Yemen, sparked a wave of condemnations and solidarity from Yemeni leaders, officials, entities, and forces, who unanimously described it as a “treacherous terrorist crime.”

Ben Mubarak Promises Reprisals

Commenting on the attack, Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Ben Mubarak said, “Our battle against terrorism and rebellion continues and will not stop, and the continuous sacrifices made by our sons and our best men will not be in vain until we achieve our national goal.”

He added, “What happened today, this terrorist crime that targeted the forces of the Third Support and Backup Brigade, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of dozens of heroes, is a motivation towards further unifying ranks to eradicate terrorism and the Houthi rebellion, as they are two sides of the same coin.”

For his part, the Vice President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Tariq Saleh, described this attack, during a phone call with the Vice President of the Council, Aidarous Al-Zoubaidi, to offer his condolences for the southern forces’ victims, as “a treacherous terrorist crime.”

Meanwhile, the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Acting Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Waed Bathib, considered the attack as “a criminal act wrapped in terrorism.”

He added on his account on the “X” platform that “we are confident that all the blood-soaked and paid-for criminal acts will not deter our forces, just as they will not deter our land and our people in Mudiyah, Abyan, and in all regions that made their choice early, and the compass of victory for history and the shared future will not deviate.”

This Will Not Go Unpunished

In this context, the spokesman for the southern forces, Lieutenant Colonel Mohamed Al-Naqeeb, stated that “the cowardly criminal act that targeted our forces in the Mudiyah district with a car bomb driven by a suicide bomber” was the result of a political escalation and a terrorist incitement rhetoric targeting our southern forces and the Transitional Council.”

It was also the result “of the misleading and malicious mobilization and propaganda driven by political money to finance terrorism in the South and fueled by hostile media and propaganda aimed at destabilizing security and stability and advancing suspicious projects that target the cause of the southern people and break their national will.”

He emphasized that this bloody attack and “these heinous terrorist crimes and those who orchestrate and finance them will not go unpunished,” noting that the terrorist operation coincided with the second anniversary of the launch of the “Siham Al-Sharq” operation in August 2022.

The military official vowed to maintain the battle against terrorism with “greater strength than before, as long as the enemy forces continue on this path of using terrorism and its elements as tools of murder and political blackmail aimed at subduing and undermining the cause of our southern people in terrorist projects.”

For its part, the Abyan security department stated in a communiqué that this “cowardly and treacherous terrorist act will not deter our southern armed forces and security, nor will it lessen their determination to fight these terrorist groups until the province is cleansed.”

The Abyan security department called for a “severe response in honor of the martyrs of today’s massacre, who fell defending land and honor, and to uproot the terrorist camps from the Abyan province.”

It affirmed that the eradication of terrorist camps “will stop the bloodshed that soaks the province day after day, and this is the only inevitable solution after which the province and other provinces will enjoy security and safety.”

The Al-Qaeda organization carries out ongoing attacks in Yemen’s liberated areas, with more than 80% occurring in Abyan, followed by Shabwa, primarily targeting the Security Belt forces, followed by the Backup and Support Brigades, Shabwa Defense Forces, then the police and the Abyan axis.

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