
Red for “women and infidels”… A Kuwaiti preacher sparks controversy on social media

Kuwaiti preacher Othman Al-Khamis sparked widespread controversy on social media by stating that “men wearing red is disliked because it is a color specific to women and infidels.” This statement was made in response to a question asking, “The Prophet – peace be upon him – once wore a red garment, does this indicate that wearing red is permissible or disliked?” Al-Khamis replied, “Scholars have mentioned that wearing red was disliked for two reasons.”

Al-Khamis explained in a video posted on his official YouTube page that “the first reason is that it is a women’s garment, and the second reason is that it is associated with infidels, and thus it was disliked for that reason.”

He continued, “For those who permit it, in principle, it is allowed. But if the entire garment is red, then it is prohibited. However, red mixed with another color or if it is striped or has other patterns is tolerated.”

Social media platforms were flooded with numerous opinions, both supporting and opposing the Kuwaiti preacher’s fatwa. Kuwaiti journalist Fajr Al-Saeed commented on her account on the “X” platform: “Sheikh, aren’t there other teachings in the religion you can focus on, like teaching people good morals, how to interact kindly with one another, spreading peace, and not mocking others? Teach them that a true Muslim is one from whom others are safe from both their tongue and hands, and that honesty and integrity are traits of Muslims, instead of focusing solely on prohibitions, as if, in your view, Islam is all about prohibition.”

She added, “Then… I don’t know where you’ll take us next after impressing us with this powerful fatwa that a red jacket for a man is forbidden. Sheikh Othman… ‘the basic rule is that things are permitted.'”

Al-Saeed clarified that “the meaning of this principle is that everything on earth, and what humans derive from it, is permissible unless there is proof of its prohibition. The evidence you presented does not justify prohibition at all… Sheikh Othman, God Almighty said: ‘And this is My straight path, so follow it, and do not follow other paths, for they will lead you away from His path. This is what He commands you to do, so that you may be righteous.'”

Meanwhile, journalist Khaled Al-Barghash commented on the “X” platform: “Othman Al-Khamis: Men wearing red clothes is disliked because it is associated with women and infidels, but it is allowed if mixed with other colors. So, the sheikh compares women to infidels! Doesn’t the sheikh know that our blood is red… should we mix it with yellow bile to please his eyes?”

He added, “Question!? Is pink the color of infidels or the devil… And can we eat red apples… or should we prefer green ones?”

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