
10 years since the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood… A harvest of terrorism and chaos in Egypt

No one forgets the violence of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group, their targeting of state institutions, security forces, and the Egyptian people, and their commission of numerous crimes, most notably the kidnapping, torture, and threats against Egyptians in the Rabaa and Ennahdha sit-ins. It has been a full 10 years since the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood’s rule in Cairo following the June 30th, 2013 revolution, which ended the dreams of terrorist organizations to control several Arab capitals.

A report by the “Roaya” network mentioned that the rise of the organization to power in Egypt a decade ago was akin to the moment of drowsiness before falling asleep. However, the awareness of Egyptians and the vigilance of Arab nations were instrumental in ending this drowsiness after one year. This put an end to the empowerment dream that the Muslim Brotherhood carried on their shoulders and awakened a national sense of the necessity to confront this organization and other extremist groups due to the threat they posed to the concept of the nation-state.

The June 30th revolution represented a decisive battle for the Egyptian people, who stood up against darkness and retrogression. They affirmed, through their unity with the armed forces, that they are a peace-loving, progressive, and modern people. They managed to eliminate the group ten years ago and consign it to the trash heap of history, refusing to submit to the extremism and radicalism it had been practicing since its establishment

Munir Adib, an expert on terrorist groups: “The Brotherhood’s threat went beyond the concept of Egyptian national security to its impact on Arab national security. It is true that they posed a threat to the security of Egypt, but they posed a greater threat to the security of the region. The protection that Morsi and his brothers provided to these extremists had an impact on the security of the region and the world.

The expert in the affairs of terrorist groups added: The Brotherhood took advantage of the state of weakness experienced by some political regimes in the Arab region until they swept to power, and even helped create this situation. When they arrived at it, they gave up all their promises to respect those who disagreed with them, and they worked on traitors of the state, instead of being statesmen. They sought to make this state just an affiliate of the organization, in addition to exporting this chaos to the rest of the region.

He continued: The Brotherhood dwarfed everything within the state; They viewed the great homeland through the narrow eyes of the organization, and Egyptians soon rose up against them in a revolution that overthrew their presence in power, toppled the organization itself, and opened the intellectual heels of the most dangerous organization in the region.

He pointed out that the revolution of June 30, 2013, which is the tenth anniversary of this day, preserved the national state, and stopped the bleeding of the obliteration of the Egyptian identity, which is more than 3,000 years old; The threat of the Brotherhood was not limited to Cairo, where it tried to export chaos to all parts of the Arab region, explaining that the rule of the Brotherhood was based on establishing and spreading chaos, and that they sought to sever relations with Arab brothers, at the same time they established bridges of relations with all extremist organizations that inhabited mountains and caves in Sinai and elsewhere!

He said the Brotherhood did not have any experience that qualified them to run the state, but they were largely seeking to betray its institutions, and they shirked any obligations to citizens and all the countries of the world, and their only obligation was to strengthen ties with all extremist organizations, which have come to defend their rule and believe it is necessary to defend them, and this was shown by the many terrorist operations they carried out in order to return them to power again.

Ten years after the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, signs of this fall emerged in the split of the organization into two conflicting fronts, each accusing the other of being an agent, thieves and other dishonorable charges, he said. Each front sees itself as the exclusive representative of the organization and sees the other as a threat to the group and its ideas, he said, adding that the organization is now on its ventilators and is no longer able to move despite its large size, but this is not enough to eliminate the threat.

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