
74 Houthi Violations of Truce, army mobilization and sniper deployment – Yemen

Yemeni forces repulsed infiltration attempts by Houthi groups south of Hodeida, while the Yemeni army recorded 74 violations of the truce in one day.

The Iranian-backed Houthi militia continues to violate the UN truce on various fronts, with the Yemeni army and joint and southern forces unilaterally committing to a comprehensive ceasefire.

In a statement issued by the Yemeni military, said Houthi militias committed 74 breaches of the humanitarian truce on Sunday on five fronts in Marib, Hajjah, Hodeida, Taiz and Dhale governorates.

“The violations ranged from targeting our forces’ positions with Katyusha rockets, artillery, various bullets and car bombs”, it said.

The statement noted that Houthi militias continue to mobilize gunmen, reinforce and build military positions and fortifications, in addition to deploying sniper groups on the front lines.

The joint forces said in a statement, that they repelled attempts by Houthi militias to infiltrate their positions in al-Jarrahi and at Tuhayta districts in southern Hodeidah province.

It noted its response to the Houthi attacks, which came in the context of militias intensifying their breaches of the UN-backed truce.

In another development, the statement confirmed that Houthi militias have pushed a number of sniper groups to positions on the Bahr Front and near the front lines as part of the militia’s rearrangement, taking advantage of the fragile UN peace.

A child was killed when a landmine left by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia exploded on Monday in the central province of al-Bayda.

According to local sources, 15-year-old Abdullah Mohammed Tahir was killed when a landmine exploded in the village of Dahwa in Az Zaher district in southern al-Bayda province.

More recently, the government of Yemen warned that the ceasefire and UN truce could collapse as Houthi violations continue to try to close any window of hope for peace.

The humanitarian truce between the Houthi militias and the internationally recognized Yemeni government came into effect at seven o’clock (16 GMT) Saturday, Yemen time, on the first day of Ramadan.

Experts say that Houthi militias have been buying time and using the UN truce to regroup militarily and bring more masses of armed men to the line of fire.

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