
“We meet in another desert” – Is Morocco hosting another summit like the Negev?

“We hope to meet again in another desert in the same spirit”, said Nasser Bourita, the Moroccan foreign minister, in his speech in the Negev, opening up a new phase.

The Moroccan foreign minister represented his country at the Negev Summit, in which the foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Bahrain, the United States and Israel participated for two days.

Clear message

“Bourita, the Moroccan diplomat known for his precise choice of words, did not say this sentence arbitrarily”, Hassan Belouane, an expert in international relations stressed.

The Moroccan foreign minister’s statement sent a clear message to his counterparts participating in the Negev summit that the Kingdom of Morocco is open to peace and stability efforts, the spokesman said.

This call, issued by Bourita, can be read in two ways: the first relates to the Moroccan minister’s focus on the Moroccan Sahara region, and the second clearly expresses Rabat’s readiness to host a summit similar to the one held in Negev.

The first part, says Belouane, can be read by saying that Bourita means that if Morocco hosts such an event, it will inevitably be in the Moroccan Sahara.

In this regard, we emphasize the need for a definitive solution to the artificial conflict, as this would contribute to the consolidation of peace and stability in the Sahel-Sahara region and would also reduce the activity of separatist and terrorist movements.

This statement is also a clear call for support for the Moroccan side of the Sahara and the Moroccan proposal for autonomy, which proves every day its effectiveness in resolving the issue.

The second reading of Bourita’s speech shows that the Kingdom is a key factor in the international dynamic of peace and bloodshed, Belouane notes, stressing that this is clearly reflected in the positions of the Kingdom on a range of issues, such as the Palestinian issue, the Libyan file and, more recently, the Russian-Ukrainian file.

Success and harmony

This statement also reflects the success of the Negev summit and its attainment of its objectives. Otherwise, why would we organize another summit if the first was a failure?

Thus, the summit was a success par excellence and reflected a clear harmony in the positions expressed by the participating States, which were essentially unanimous in condemning violence and terrorism and promoting security and peace.

The second level of harmony that is evident at this summit is the positions of the countries participating in it on the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, since neither the UAE, nor the United States, nor Israel, nor Bahrain nor Egypt, are countries supporting the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Speaking of this second aspect of the harmony of the positions of these countries on the artificial conflict in the Moroccan Sahara, Belouane believes that the organization of a second summit in the Moroccan Sahara will be a practical message, and a clearer support for the Moroccan identity of the Sahara, no less important than the opening of consulates in the southern provinces of the Kingdom.


The Moroccan diplomacy, led by King Mohammed VI, has great credibility with the international community, Hassan Belouane confirms.

This status, according to Belouane, will make Morocco a natural place to host such events that are so important in promoting peace among peoples. Morocco has already hosted similar diplomatic activities that have helped maintain stability and resolve many outstanding issues.

The Kingdom’s deep and solid relations with the various parties to this summit will play a pivotal role in holding another successful summit, and will also attract new partners to participate in it, he added.

The high level of security and stability in Morocco, which has been confirmed by credible international reports, gives Morocco a favorable climate to discuss the region and come up with practical understandings and steps.

In terms of infrastructure, the Kingdom’s qualifications are no less important and powerful than those of its counterparts in the region. The Kingdom has proved its effectiveness in organizing global events such as the Climate Conference, the World Forum for Human Rights, the Libyan Dialog sessions, the Crans Montana International Conference and other major events.

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