
Continuous violations.. Reports document crimes committed by Houthi militia against civilians

Day after day, the crimes and violations committed by the Houthi terrorist group against the Yemeni people are revealed throughout the past period. These crimes have been monitored by numerous international reports, which demanded that the Houthis be brought to justice for their continuous violations against civilians.

Nonstop crimes

The Yemen Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations released a new report documenting Houthi’s nonstop crimes and violations and said that 109 children, 33 women and 78 elderly prisoners were tortured during the past six years by the Houthis.

Over 1,600 abductees have been subjected to various forms of physical and psychological torture and cruel treatment inside Houthi militia prisons over the past six years, the report said.

The report said his team documented the torture of 1,635 abductees in Houthi militia prisons, including 109 children, 33 women, and 78 elderly people in 17 Yemeni provinces.

The report confirmed that 1,427 abductees were subjected to psychological and physical torture, including 101 children, 24 women, and 63 elderly people by the Houthi militia. This has resulted in some being totally or partially paralyzed, others with chronic diseases, memory loss, and visual and hearing disabilities.

The report showed that 208 other abductees were subjected to the most severe and brutal forms of torture leading to death, including 8 children, 9 women and 15 elderly people, some of whom died in cells under torture, others died as a result of negligence and deterioration of their health condition in light of the continuous denial of treatment, in addition to a number of abductees being physically executed inside the prisons of the Houthi militia or being cruelly and savagely tortured to commit suicide.

Rights movement

Abdul Hafeez Nahari, a Yemeni analyst and human rights activist, said in a statement that Houthi’s crimes against civilians did not stop. These crimes ranged from torture, arrests, and planting mines to target citizens in many areas of Yemen.

The Yemeni human rights activist confirmed in his statement that many reports were submitted against the Houthis in international institutions, which documented the terrorists’ crimes to target innocent citizens. He noted that there are numerous moves by human rights activists against these violations by the Houthis.

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