
Islamic Cooperation on the Burning of the holy Quran in Sweden: provocative action

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned, on Tuesday, “provocative acts by burning copies of the Holy Quran during anti-Muslim demonstrations” in Sweden.

“The rallies organized by the Danish far-right Stram Kurs party have aggravated concerns in the Muslim world about the growing wave of Islamophobia by far-right supporters”, said OIC Secretary General Hussein Ibrahim Taha.

“This incident is clear evidence of the racist and xenophobic thinking of the perpetrators, and their actions are contrary to all accepted standards and values in civilized society”, he said.

At the same time, he stressed his “conviction that this provocative act does not reflect the point of view of the majority of Swedish and European citizens”.

The burning of a copy of the holy Qur’an in the Swedish city of Malmö drew wide Arab and Islamic condemnation, warning of the seriousness of the incident, which is fueling feelings of hostility and division in societies.

Since Thursday, clashes have broken out in Swedish cities between police and demonstrators protesting a plan by a far-right movement to burn a copy of the Qu’ran, injuring police officers, authorities said.

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