
Al-Eryani warned of escalating Houthi – Details

The Houthi terrorist militia is waging a media war against the Presidential Council and the legitimate government through its yellow pages and through social media.

Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism Muammar al-Eryani warned that the Iranian-affiliated Houthi terrorist militia has intensified the dissemination of rumors and lies through its media and yellow sites in a miserable attempt to mix cards and create strife between the political and national components, after its historic harmony in the Yemeni-Yemeni consultations in Riyadh and under the roof of the Presidential Command Council.

“These practices confirm the extent of concern that the Houthi terrorist militia is causing Yemenis to turn the page on the past, reunite them, unite their words and stand in the face of the coup, restore state institutions and confront the Iranian expansionist project that targets their national and Arab identity”, al-Eryani said in a statement carried by the official Yemeni news agency Saba‏.

The Minister of Information stressed the need not to deal with these lies and cheap rumors, reiterating the call for all media outlets, journalists, media outlets and social media activists to extract news from official sources and not to be deceived by the propaganda and rags published by the Houthi militia’s websites and yellow pages.

Yemeni journalist Ahmed Ayed said: “The ‏ are resorting to a war of rumors against the Presidential Council, after the isolation of the Houthi militias and their exclusion from all components of society”.

He added in a tweet that the Houthi coup militia resorted to creating dozens of fake social media accounts impersonating women and youth, relying on the dissemination of rumors and lies, to undermine the Presidential Council and the symbols of legitimacy and the coalition.

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