
Taliban, ISIS fight for control of Afghanistan – details

Afghanistan remains one of the most dangerous terrorist hotbeds in the world. It has increased after the Taliban took control of the country to make Afghanistan an arena for terrorism and a bastion of sectarian ideas, especially with the escalation of internal conflicts and the attempts of the terrorist organization ISIS to impose its control; The Afghan people are paying the price.

ISIS plot

The continuation of the conflict between the terrorist organization ISIS and the Taliban since their takeover in Afghanistan has caused a rapid deterioration in the lives of the Afghan people at all levels, as many Afghan cities have witnessed terrorist operations, at the hands of elements of the terrorist organization ISIS; The terrorist ISIS organization has recently claimed responsibility for numerous attacks, most recently in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. These attacks fuel conflict between Afghanistan and its neighbors and threaten to destabilize security and stability.

The Afghan intelligence agency released a video by an ISIS militant in the country confirming rocket attacks on parts of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, in coordination with the opposition Front of Resistance led by Ahmad Masoud. The group has made no comment on the accusations of collaborating with ISIS against the Taliban.

Confronting ISIS-Taliban

Many international and human rights organizations criticized the Taliban’s pledge to maintain Afghanistan after the ruling, and not turn it into a terrorist organization’s playground and a terrorist stronghold.

Many political activists and observers of the situation in Afghanistan say: ISIS chose to fight the Taliban, he said, noting that ISIL had chosen a special strategy in the moments following the departure of foreign forces from the country to carry out its plans. A political activist said the situation in Afghanistan will witness more conflicts over governance between the Taliban and ISIL in the coming period, noting that the recent bombings in the country were just a small headline for the state of conflict between the Taliban and ISIS.

Extremist conflict

The terrorist group ISIS announced the development of the organization and the establishment of the “Khorassan Islamic State”, through which it changes the way it operates. The organization uses the tactics of ISIS operations in Iraq and Syria, and the terrorist ISIS has a strategy in Afghanistan to commit a number of assassinations to stir up sectarian tensions and delegitimize the Taliban regime.

The Taliban have recently stated that they are continuing to fight the terrorist group ISIS, which aims to pull the rug out from under the Taliban; Several ISIS-controlled Khorasan operations and hubs are raided in Afghanistan’s Kunduz province.

The Taliban issued a statement earlier this month saying ISIS in Khorasan is fomenting sedition and that it continues to support the false sect it supports, saying ISIS supports a false sect that spreads corruption.

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