Middle east

The Houthis continue their crimes and terrorism against children… horrific violations

The Houthi militia in Yemen is committing a new chapter of terrorism, with children, clerics and students among the latest victims.

Houthi abuses

A child was killed by Houthi forces in Taiz province, southern Yemen, while another child was shot dead at a militia training camp in Hodeidah province.

Yemeni sources reported that the Houthi terrorist militia shot dead the boy, 10-year-old Hamad Amin Abdo Mohammed Al-Salwi, as he passed through one of its security checkpoints in the directorate of As Silw in the governorate of Taiz.

The child was going to herd sheep in the town of Jaishan when militia members intercepted him and shot him for no apparent reason, then left their position and fled in fear of the reaction of the families. The sources indicated that the child Hamad, who was shot in the head, was studying in the third grade. He is the father’s orphan, his mother’s mother, who supports him, and two of her daughters.

Crime in Hodeidah

In Hodeidah, sources confirmed that a four-year-old child was shot dead by a Houthi militia member in the area of Mahal Al-Sheik in the north of Al-Duraihmi district in the south of the coastal province, which is covered by a fragile UN agreement.

The sources said that the bullet was fired by a militia member from a training camp for the Houthi militia north of the village of “Mahal Al-Sheik” and that she lived in the body of the child who died instantly.

In another crime, the Houthi militia arrested a prominent cleric and a number of students in Ibb city, two days after militiamen stormed and occupied a mosque and turned it into an affiliated summer center.

Horrific abuses

“These horrific crimes are just one in a series of violations and crimes committed by the Houthi militia against civilians in areas under its control or trying to storm them, in clear violation of international law, human rights and peace efforts,” said Ahmed Jabbari, a Yemeni human rights activist.

The militia had launched summer centers and courses, systematic recruitment of children and paramilitary and sectarian activities; “In addition to documenting physical and sexual abuse, parents should not turn their children over to abuse, especially in closed centers.”

“The sectarian Houthi militia only sees in Yemenis, including children, the fuel for its war,” he said, pointing to the danger of the Houthi terrorist militia using schools, mosques and summer camps to brainwash 60,000 children, train them and send them to the front lines.”

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