
Writers and analysts: The launch of the national dialogue is a significant achievement credited to the Egyptian state

The national dialog in Egypt has broken up a space of consensus that creates a platform on which to build. The broad participation after building bridges of trust between the various movements on the one hand, and the Egyptian state on the other hand, provides an opportunity to discuss all the details that preoccupy society, which confirms the success of the dialog.

The attendees themselves occupied spaces for discussion, and some still stood at previous years or sought to review their presence and address those they see as their audience. Others have moved beyond this situation and benefited from the experience of years that have already witnessed huge changes at the local, regional and international levels.

Egyptian journalist and parliamentarian Mustafa Bakri said, “The goal of the launch of the national dialog is to bring together all intellectuals, intellectuals, syndicates and political forces without exception, except one faction,” referring to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group, which is practicing violence and terrorism against Egyptians.

He added that the launch of the National Dialog is a great achievement for the Egyptian state, and confirms that it is keen to engage in dialog with all parties on the condition that they do not engage in violence, pointing out that the dialog did not exclude anyone or any party, party, institution or person, except if they practice or incite violence, such as the terrorist Brotherhood group, otherwise everyone is participating in the dialog sessions, and the ideas and proposals will be treated with great flexibility, and dealt with seriously, and is not an indication of the seriousness of the state in dealing with the outputs of the dialog, from the directives of President al-Sisi to extend judicial supervision of the elections, after the submission of this proposal to him by the dialog administration, after he sensed a consensus of all political forces participating in the dialog.

The dialog achieved remarkable success during the 24 sessions held over the past two weeks, said journalist Jamal al-Kashki, a member of the National Dialog Board of Trustees.
He added that this propitious moment must be exploited, because the national dialog is a revealing moment, and we must look at the ceilings and the red lines with white eyes.

He continued, “All the issues are on the table, and even if the economic and social issues are of the greatest interest, this reflects the community’s concerns in addition to the political issues, and the importance of the administrative reform of the state cannot be ignored, which is a desire of the state and society to have comprehensive administrative reform with the transition to the new administrative capital, which carries the symbolism of a comprehensive transformation in the administration and localities.”

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