
As June 30 approaches… Testimonies reveal how Egypt triumphed over the Muslim Brotherhood

With the approach of the tenth anniversary of the June 30 revolution, which worked to foil the international conspiracies that were being planned to divide Egypt and to try to dismantle the army and create creative chaos in the country, the revolution was won for the will of Egyptians on July 3, 2013, after a difficult period of rule by the terrorist group. The Egyptian people, with a sincere leadership that realized the seriousness of what is happening to the country, were able to write “salvation” to the homeland from the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood, who practiced all repressive policies and harmed the interest of the country.

Failure of the plans

A study by the Egyptian Center for Thought and Studies revealed that the Egyptian state witnessed from 2011 until the 30 June Revolution in 2013 a state of unprecedented lawlessness in the country’s history. This coincides with the desire of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group to overthrow the state and its institutions, as part of a series of crimes for which the group has been famous since its founding in 1928; Outlaws and thugs took advantage of the security vacuum during this period to commit their criminal acts of killing, stealing, destroying, and robbing public and private funds and spreading chaos in the country until the revolution of 30 June 2013, and millions took to the streets to overthrow the rule of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group and foil its plans to plunge the country into chaos and instability. The Egyptian Armed Forces had no choice but to respond to the will of the people, protect their revolution, which represented a milestone in Egypt’s modern history, and thwart the plans of terrorist elements to destroy the country.

Revolution Anniversary

The study continued: In conjunction with the commemoration of the victory of the 30 June Revolution for the will of the people, and its success in overthrowing the terrorist plot of the Muslim Brotherhood, we review below the most prominent challenges that the 30 June State toppled to correct the course and rescue the country from the clutches of terrorism, foremost among which are the criminal schemes carried out by the group in the context of its frantic quest to reach power, and the resulting chaos and the overthrow of hundreds of army and police martyrs and civilians.

Brotherhood Terrorism

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the June 30th revolution, we remember what Egypt witnessed between 2011 and 2013: the formation of 3,000 armed gangs, the escape of 23,000 criminal prisoners, the storming of a large number of police stations and stations, with more than 90 police stations and institutions, the burning of hundreds of police vehicles, and the theft of large quantities of firearms for use in criminal and destructive acts, said political thinker Mukhtar Noh, a leading Muslim Brotherhood dissident.

Noah added: The Muslim Brotherhood exploited the lawlessness witnessed by the country in the meantime to smuggle their elements inside prisons, the most prominent of which was the deposed Mohamed Morsi. After the June 30th revolution, the group formed a number of terrorist organizations (the Hasm Movement – Revolution Brigade – Soldiers of Egypt) with cadres of its youth headed by Brotherhood leader Mohammed Kamal. Their terrorist operations varied between armed marches surrounding vital installations and police stations, planting explosive devices, targeting security installations and centers, assassinating army and police officers, and targeting electricity towers and transformers, and churches. The spatial range of these operations varied between the Nile Valley and northern Sinai.

State Restoration

The June 30th revolution helped restore the Egyptian state after it was hijacked by evil, he said, adding that Egyptians succeeded in removing the veil of darkness and violence that marked the Egyptian state after the Muslim Brotherhood committed many sins and crimes to harm the country’s security, unity and territorial integrity.

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