
How does Qatar serve Israel and how it benefits from it?

Our relations with Israel are clear
We support the peace operation
It is true that our contacts with Israel continue
And on your media, you show the Israelis are present in Doha
Qatar does not hide its close
relations with Israel
And even it protects itself behind
Israël in case of big difficulties
Leaked audio of Hamad bin Jassim with Gaddafi.
Tell me, what are we wrong with and what we have done well for the Arab nation in our relations with America and Israel.
First, our relationship with Israel.
Sometimes Israel, if Saudi pressure on Americans increases.
The Israelis are relieving the pressure on us.
Because of our relationship with them.
The region is on the edge of a volcano.
Saudi Arabia is on the verge of a revolution whether we want it or not.
In exchange
Qatar serves the interests of Israel
By reinforcement the Palestinian
division through Hamas support
to establish a parallel
authority in Gaza
And therefore ending the project
of the Palestinian state
On the other hand
Member of the Kuwaiti Parliament:
Who call for the Arab Spring.
Hamad bin Jassim declares the Arab Spring.
The yellows poisonous winds.
That destroyed the Arab world.
For the Mr. from Tel Aviv to sleep for a hundred years while he is at ease.

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