
The Brotherhood worked to establish its schools in Europe to expand its ideas

The presence of the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe remains a question mark for many, given the group’s rhetoric and slogans against the Crusaders, as they like to call the West, as well as the social freedoms that do not seem consistent with the organization’s method and religious ideology.


Muslim Brotherhood Communities

Since their migration to Europe, the Muslim Brotherhood has worked to create relatively isolated communities, exploiting the poverty and religious needs of migrants in foreign societies. They connected Muslim groups to the mosque, controlled by the Brotherhood, through which they provided services, interest-free loans, and employment opportunities, allowing the Brotherhood’s ideology to spread under laws that facilitate the establishment of associations and charitable centers.

Muslim Brotherhood Schools

Islamic schools were the main hubs of the Brotherhood‘s dominance over Muslim communities in the West. The group established parallel schools that became centers for spreading extremist and hateful rhetoric, isolating Muslims from the societies in which they live by fostering a sense of emotional isolation and alienation. These educational institutions also facilitated the inflow of foreign funds into the organization under the guise of education and school establishment.


Dr. Ibrahim Rabi’, a former dissident leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, stated that the Brotherhood’s schools in Europe operate on two fronts: a direct front overseen by Brotherhood businessmen, and another as umbrellas, in the form of a charitable association or a branch within a community. This practice has intensified to the point where some European countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany, now have dozens of Brotherhood schools, following the footsteps of past Christian missionary schools, meaning that the idea is not original in the Arab and Islamic context.

He added that there is a brainwashing process within these Brotherhood schools, preparing a generation to infiltrate the veins of European societies, in line with the directives of Hassan al-Banna, thus shaping awareness, wholly or partially. This expansion has been facilitated by the significant increase in the number of Brotherhood schools in Europe over the past two decades and the growing demand for them due to the Brotherhood’s propaganda, based on the principle of defending religious identity and combating secularism. However, numerous studies have shown the severe shortcomings of these schools in promoting social integration, their focus on religious goals, and their poor academic results.

He pointed out that the recent steps taken by France, followed by Austria and Belgium, will uncover the financial channels used by the Brotherhood in the field of private education, which has become a backdoor for money laundering and the transfer of the international organization’s wealth to the West, utilizing them politically, in line with the Brotherhood‘s empowerment rhetoric.

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