
After the announcement of the death of a prominent leader… What do you know about the “Hurras al-Din” organization?

A senior leader of a group affiliated with Al-Qaeda was killed in an attack claimed by the United States, which announced having eliminated him through a precision strike in Syria.

The U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) stated in an announcement on its official account on the platform “X” (formerly Twitter) that its forces had earlier on Friday neutralized a prominent leader of the “Hurras al-Din” organization, named Abu Abdul Rahman al-Makki, by targeting him with a precision strike in Syria.

According to CENTCOM, Abu Abdul Rahman al-Makki was a member of the Shura Council of Hurras al-Din and a key leader responsible for overseeing terrorist operations from Syria. Al-Makki moved between various terrorist factions and led the “Jound al-Malahim” brigade within “Jabhat al-Nusra,” which he later left to join Hurras al-Din.

CENTCOM also mentioned that “Hurras al-Din” is a movement affiliated with Al-Qaeda, based in Syria, and shares Al-Qaeda‘s global ambitions to launch attacks against U.S. and Western interests.

The “Hurras al-Din” organization was established in late February 2018. At that time, it was a faction within “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham,” formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra. In July 2016, it declared its allegiance to Al-Qaeda and its separation from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham after the latter severed its ties with the terrorist organization.

Several militias operate under the banner of “Hurras al-Din,” including the Army of the Badia, the Coastal Army, the Kabul Brigade, the Coastal Battalions, the Army of the Battles, and the Soldiers of Sharia. Members of the organization are based in the mountains west of Idlib, in Jabal Baricha, and the city of Sarmin.

In 2018, the organization rejected the Sochi Agreement, which called for the creation of a demilitarized zone where military operations would cease, both from the side of government forces and opposition factions.

It is worth noting that the organization is internationally classified on terrorism lists, and the U.S. Department of State has placed it under sanctions.

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