Middle east

State Department: US would keep up pressure on Iran-backed Houthis

Monday, the State Department said that the United States would maintain pressure on the Iran-backed Houthi militia; just after days that the Biden administration declared its intention to cancel the designation of the group as a terrorist organization.

State Department Spokesman Ned Price informed reporters that the Houthis are malign actors, adding that their behavior was reprehensible. Price stated: I think we will certainly keep up the pressure on the leadership of the Houthis.

Moreover, Price denounced that the repeated rocket assaults against civilians in Saudi Arabia, and also the kidnapping of US citizens. He also stated that Washington was committed to helping Riyadh defend its territory, adding that the US desired to decrease tensions with the continuing to stand by Saudi Arabia.

Besides, the State Department told Congress, last week, that it would keep the Trump administration’s decision that classified the Houthis as a terrorist organization.

Otherwise, humanitarian groups and the United Nations heavily criticized the Trump administration’s description, indicating that it would aggravate the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. Biden also said that it’s a priority for him to end the war in Yemen.

However, the Houthis continued shooting rockets at Saudi Arabia that has repeatedly expressed his readiness for a political solution to the year’s long war in neighboring Yemen.

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