Middle east

A Media Campaign Exposes the Brotherhood-Houthi Collusion – Details

Southern activists have launched a media campaign on the X platform to highlight the collusion between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Houthis in Yemen, according to the local newspaper Al-Omanaa.

Under the hashtag (#Brotherhood_Houthi_Collusion), southern activists shared tweets shedding light on this cooperation at all levels—military, media, and intelligence—aimed at infiltrating southern provinces and destabilizing them.

The activists explained that what unites the Brotherhood and the Houthis in Yemen is their overt hostility toward the South and their joint efforts against the Arab coalition as part of a regional plan serving their financial backers in the region.

They also highlighted the media coordination between the two factions, accusing the Brotherhood of leveraging its media and financial resources to support the Houthi project against Yemenis. According to them, channels like Al-Mahriya and Yemen Shabab have become platforms for spreading Houthi propaganda.

Thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of its armed forces, the South has paved the way for the eradication of extremist and terrorist factions. However, activists stress the urgent need to curb the political influence of these terrorist groups.

The Muslim Brotherhood has often exploited its political leverage to provide substantial and strategic support to the Houthi militias, significantly impacting Yemen’s stability.

The Islah militias, affiliated with the Brotherhood, control large parts of Taiz governorate, while the Houthis hold the bordering areas of Dhamar and Ibb governorates. Recently, a coordination agreement between the two factions was announced to manage the province’s affairs and exert further pressure on the South.

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