Arabian Gulf

UAE among top 10 in digital economy in 2020

The United Arab Emirates continues to lead the digital economy in 2020, according to global competitiveness statements issued by major international institutions.

 This represents a new international certificate in the UAE’s competitiveness and ability to continue to manufacture a future that supports sustainable development.

The list of competitive indicators in the digital economy, which the UAE has succeeded in gaining popularity and is well deserved to be classified among the top ten in the world. According to the Federal Center for Competitiveness and Statistics, it included 25 indicators in 2020, which boosted the bulk of its accomplishments, which it seeks to accumulate while it enters the second 50% of its activity by reaching Mars.

The package of reports that documented the achievements of the UAE and classified them among the top 10 in the competitiveness indicators in the digital economy sector, included the e-government survey implemented by the United Nations last year, in addition to the annual reports on global competitiveness issued by major international bodies and organizations on the International Institute for Administrative Development, the World Economic Forum and the Insead College, global Competitiveness 4.0, The Prosperity Index Issued by the Legatum Institute, the International Telecommunication Union, the Social Progress Empire, and the Bertelman Steventage Foundation..

The index of wireless broadband subscriptions, the index of mobile phone subscriptions, the UN E-Government Survey, ranked first worldwide in a series of global economic forum indicators such as the Mobile Broadband Subscription Index, 4.0 and the Mobile Broadband Subscription Index for every 100 mobile subscriptions A population, as well as mobile network coverage (as a percentage of the population) in the Tourism and Travel Competitiveness Report.

The UAE also ranked first in the world in the wireless broadband index in the International Institute for Management Development’s Global Digital Competitiveness Report.

In addition to the international lead in the mobile phone index for every 100 people, the list also included the percentage of families with a computer compared to the population, the percentage of the population using the Internet, the digital transformation of companies and other indicators related to the digital economy sector.

The achievement of these achievements is based on the UAE’s position as one of the most advanced countries in the field of information technology, and the most employed of modern technologies in the service of the economy. It is also a realistic translation and demonstration of the federal government’s policy of establishing a competitive digital economy, not only in the region but also worldwide.

Over the past five years, the government has adopted several initiatives that will transform the digital economy, including the adoption of the Emirates Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the digital transactions techniques (Boluk Chin) in services, financial transactions and other initiatives. This is based on its awareness of the importance of all this in creating real opportunities for foreign direct investment and in promoting the sustainable development of the state in general.

The Deloitte network, which specializes in providing advisory services, defined the digital economy as an economic activity that connects millions of people with companies, equipment, data, and daily online operations.. High-speed communication is the backbone of the digital economy, and all of these elements are available in the UAE, thus strengthening the state’s position in the digital economy.

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