Middle east

Iraq: Two bombings target two “coalition” convoys

Today, Sunday, a security source said that two logistical convoys of the international coalition forces against ISIS had been targeted by two explosions in southern Iraq.

The source told « Al-Ain News » that “two explosions took place with two improvised explosive devices. One of the blasts targeted a logistical support convoy belonging to the international coalition as it was passing through the Hilla highway in Babel province”.

“The two explosions did not cause any injuries,” the source said.

Attacks on international coalition convoys in Iraq are escalating following the killing of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Abou Mehdi al-Mouhandis, the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Forces militia, in a US airstrike near Baghdad airport in early 2020.

“Despite attempts by Iraqi authorities and international warnings of such targets, Iranian-linked Iraqi militias continue their hostile operations against US interests and international coalition bases”.

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