Middle east

Iraq “blow up” ISIS terrorism.. thwarted bombing in Falloujah

An improvised explosive device (IED) is detonated in Falloujah, aborting a plan by the terrorist group ISIS to target innocent people.

A statement quoted the Anbar Operations Commander, Major General Nasser Al-Ghannam, as saying that “a force from the 40th Brigade, the Tenth Division, and from the intelligence and counter-terrorism forces, carried out a preemptive operation that thwarted an ISIS plot to target innocent citizens in Falloujah district”.

“An explosives vest belonging to ISIS terrorist gangs was found at a structure in al-Shuhada area, Falloujah,” he said, noting that the operation was carried out based on intelligence and follow-up.

Falloujah is the largest city in Anbar province, west of the capital Baghdad, which ISIS took full control of in June 2014.

Earlier, the Iraqi Security Media Cell reported that the intelligence agency had arrested two wanted individuals, two of whom were accused of terrorism cases, in Kerbala (south).

In a related development, a source in the Diyala Police Operations (east) announced on Saturday the implementation of a large-scale security operation to pursue ISIS strongholds in the outskirts of the sub-district of Buhruz, south of Kerbala, east of the capital Baghdad.

The source told Al-Ain News that the 1st Commando Battalion of the Diyala Operations Command, the 7th Diyala Emergency Regiment, and detachments from the Bakouba Security Center, the Buhruz Security Bureau, and the Intelligence Division of the Buhruz district launched a large-scale security operation to pursue and pursue ISIS strongholds and hideouts in 6 villages in the south of the sub-district (8 kilometers south of Bakouba), the center of the province.

“The operation was launched based on accurate intelligence and included searching orchards and agricultural villages in search of ISIS elements hideouts,” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Iraqi forces are pursuing the remnants of the terrorist organization through a series of military operations supported by international coalition forces in different areas across the country.

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