Arabian Gulf

Cavalry Diplomacy : UAE in the Security Council

The UAE’s winning of a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council reflects the status of UAE diplomacy, led by Sheikh Abdallah ben Zayed Al Nahyane.

The foundation of that diplomacy is the promotion of peace and love among all the peoples of the Earth, the creation of creative diplomacy based on balance and consideration of mutual interests, which was established by Sheikh Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane, the founder of the State.

The election of the UAE as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council was the culmination of the country’s outstanding course in humanitarian action, support for international peace and adherence to the principles of the United Nations.

The United Arab Emirates soft diplomacy has contributed to containing the crises and emerging disagreements among the countries of the world and has consistently sought to strengthen its presence through its soft tools, which have been crystallized in its direct, indirect and development humanitarian and economic assistance programs, in addition to its active contribution to peacekeeping operations to protect civilians.

The UAE strongly urges that the language of dialog prevail in dealing with all issues and crises. In the arenas of humanitarian response, the UAE plays a leading role, regionally and internationally.

Sheikh Abdallah ben Zayed Al Nahyane is considered as a different model for Arab diplomats, combining many characteristics. He is the young man in his activism, ambition, and dreams, the expert in his wisdom, the adviser to the future in his vision, and distinguished in his moral qualities because he was raised in the school of Zayed in its human characteristics, which the hard and the religious one testifies to, and the creative one in his ideas in the management of Emirati foreign policy, which always comes outside of traditional ideas. Therefore, it was not unusual to describe him as “the knight of Emirati diplomacy”. He is the second Monday to change the face of the region.

In Sadat’s footsteps, Sheikh Abdallah ben Zayed Al Nahyane made a peace that rearranged the region and charted its future on new, realistic foundations; After demolishing the old idols and myths, which were fed by the forces of extremism and terrorism for more than half a century, and putting the Palestinian cause back at the center of international attention, after it had nearly entered the unknown under the dubious investment and employment of the Palestinians, and their just cause, from regional powers, some of which were stabbing the Palestinian cause night and night, and supporting it day and night, and others, and some of which were still raising false slogans and no practical measures on the ground.

The Engineer of UAE diplomacy’s successes in building a just peace in the region were not new. He has long played a major role in establishing peace and ending conflicts in several regions of the world. He played a pivotal role in resolving the historic dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia in 2018, which lasted for about two decades. He also led in the same year unprecedented diplomatic efforts to mediate the settlement of the Afghan conflict. His efforts resulted in a breakthrough in the crisis, after transparent and frank talks that were the first of their kind between the Afghan parties.

The UAE’s diplomatic successes, under the leadership of Sheikh Abdallah ben Zayed Al Nahyane, have extended to encircling Iranian influence in the region; In the midst of the Syrian crisis, the UAE Foreign Ministry has provided a unique diplomatic model in managing the Syrian conflict. Despite Abu Dhabi’s rejection at the beginning of the Syrian crisis of the behavior and practices of some Syrian actors, it has not overlooked its humanitarian diplomacy, which has become a prominent headline of the UAE’s foreign policy. The total amount of UAE aid provided to Syria since 2012 to this year has reached 2020, 3.81 billion UAE dirhams (US$ 1.04 billion), including a number of humanitarian and development sectors and other activities.

“As the Syrian government’s behavior has changed and the crisis has turned into a genuine settlement, Sheik Abdallah ben Zayed Al Nahyane was the first to embrace Syria and return to the Arab home.”

Sheik Abdallah ben Zayed Al Nahyane’s moves towards peace, development and stability in the Arab region were not based on boundaries or ambition, the most prominent feature being renewal and creativity.

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