Middle east

Details of the arrest of Alaa Hassanine.. The “deputy of Djinn et des efrits” in Egypt

Egypt’s security services arrested on Thursday Alaa Hassanine, a former member of the People’s Assembly, known as the “deputy of Djinn et des efrits”.

According to a security statement, Hassanine claims to be a gang that specializes in archeological excavations.

Security forces seized 201 artifacts with Alaa Hassanine and the other defendants, and found craters used to deceive the victims as archeological cemeteries.

The seizures included 36 statues, 52 different currencies, and several archeological tools.

Who is the deputy of “Djinn et des efrits” in Egypt?

In the People’s Assembly elections, Alaa Hassanine won two consecutive terms in 2000 and 2005 from the National Democratic Party, which was dissolved from the Deir Mawas district in al-Minya, and lost in the 2015 elections.

Hassanine owns a marble and granite company and a number of quarries in al-Minya. He is known in the Egyptian media as a deputy for “Djinn et des efrits” because he has accused citizens of being in contact with supernatural forces that are used to put out fires.

Alaa Hassanine accompanied the Zamalek delegation on one of its trips to Morocco to meet the Al-Widad club in the African Champions League, under the pretext of foiling any acts of sorcery and sorcery.

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