Arabian Gulf

Saudi Arabia: Iran Never Respected the Nuclear Deal

Saudi Arabia reiterated on Sunday its support to international efforts aimed at preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, which would pose a threat to the region and world.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan expressed the Kingdom’s grave concern over Iran’s violations that stand in contrast to its statements that its nuclear program served peaceful purposes.

“The nuclear deal, with all its shortcomings, was not respected by Iran,” he said during a joint press conference with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Schallenberg.

On Yemen, Prince Faisal said his country had presented a ceasefire initiative earlier this year, but the Iran-backed Houthi militias completely disregard the interests of the Yemeni people.

The Kingdom will work with the new United Nations envoy and its allies in order to reach a settlement in Yemen, he stressed.

The priority lies in achieving peace and this depends on the Houthis, he added.

For his part, Schallenberg vehemently condemned the Houthis for attempting to attack Saudi Arabia with missiles, while hailing Riyadh’s role in resolving the Yemeni crisis.

On Iran, he said his country and the world have yet to receive positive signals from Tehran over the nuclear file.

Rather, “the signals we are receiving from the new Iranian administration are not encouraging,” he remarked, hoping that the Vienna nuclear negotiations will resume.

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