Arabian Gulf

The vision of the United Arab Emirates and peace

Since the advent of its bright dawn, the United Arab Emirates has adopted the path of peace, tolerance and coexistence, by the late Sheikh Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane.

This has been translated into action through its domestic and foreign policies and its privileged dealings with its neighbors, brothers and friends and with the world at large, and it has launched many initiatives to promote peace in societies, based on its deep belief that peace is a fundamental pillar of the rise of States and the building of societies.

In peace, nations coexist with one another in all their colors, races and religions. In peace, States dedicate themselves to building and development and to harnessing their cadres and potential in projects of renaissance and prosperity and providing a decent life for all their people. In peace, the forces of extremism and terrorism are defeated.

It have no foothold and no opportunities for corruption, destruction, infiltration and polarization. The opposite of conflicts, wars and strife can only bring disasters and crises, creating fertile environments for terrorism, extremism and crime, spreading poverty, hunger and disease and weakening global efforts to combat common challenges.

The United Arab Emirates has been keen since its establishment to establish the best relations with its neighbors, brothers and friends and to promote the values of peace in the Arab, Islamic and international arenas. Regarding relations with Arab countries, Sheikh Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane said, “May God bless his soul. “We are pleased and happy whenever we hear news of the Arab brothers solidarity. Rather, this meeting and cooperation is our great wish,” he said

He also stressed the importance of establishing the principles of peace and mutual respect among Islamic countries. “I hope that peace, prosperity and development will prevail in the Muslim world as a whole and that their words will be united and their hearts will be clear.”

With regard to world peace, Sheikh Zayed ben Sultan Al Nahyane, whom God would have mercy on him, has shown the importance of UAE policy, he said: « Our policy and positions have been based on the principles of law, justice and peace, based on our conviction that peace is an urgent need for all » humanity. In response to extremists and terrorists who distort religion and do not believe in peace, compassion and tolerance, he declared by underlining the call for peace and stability contained in the teachings of Islam:

“God the Creator created humanity for ease, not hardship. God created them to live in peace and security, not for fighting and violence”.

The wise leadership of the United Arab Emirates has embarked on this shining path, emphasizing the importance of bringing peace to the world, ending conflicts and wars and uniting efforts to confront the common global challenges that threaten the entire world, including epidemics and climate change. It has called for this in various international forums and has endeavored to do so in every possible way, thus culminating in the construction of historic peace agreements between States.

“The historic peace agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia in July 2018, after more than 20 years of conflict, brought the UAE to an end, built positive relations between the two parties, and contributed to strengthening security and stability in both countries and the region in general.”

The United Arab Emirates has continued its brilliant march towards peace at all levels and in all fields, whether through its support for its brothers and their support for the challenges that target their security and stability, through its partnerships with the international community to promote peace and stability in various parts of the world, through its humanitarian efforts that have spread to various parts of the world, or through its fight against terrorism, which is a sworn enemy of peace.

The United Arab Emirates strongly condemned the criminal terrorist attack on innocent people at the Kabul airport by the terrorist organization Daesh, which did not care for a child, an old man, a man or a woman, violating all human and religious values with unprecedented brutality.

The UAE’s participation in the Baghdad Cooperation and Partnership Conference is another example of the UAE’s shining efforts to promote peace in the region.

We affirm the support of the Iraqi Government and the fight against terrorism, with regional and international participation, out of our wise leadership’s belief in the importance of promoting peace in the region and strengthening cooperation between States to put out the flames of conflicts and build strong bridges against anything that disturbs security and stability in the region and the world.

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