
Enemies of peace: International condemnation campaign against the Houthi attack on Saudi Arabia

The tone of international accusations against the Houthis escalated after the terrorist attack launched by the coup militias in Jizan last night.

The Saudi-led Arab coalition announced a new casualty toll from the Houthi militia targeting King Abdullah Airport in Jizan; Ten civilian passengers and airport staff were injured.

The US embassy in Riyadh attacked the Houthi attacks on Saudi territory, stressing that “with each new attack, the Houthis provide new evidence that they are not interested in peace.”

The US embassy tweeted: “We condemn these attacks and call on the Houthis to stop this abhorrent violence and engage in UN-led talks to end the conflict.”

Dangerous escalation

The US condemnation came hours after the UAE strongly condemned the targeting of King Abdullah Airport in Jizan, Saudi Arabia.

“The UAE condemned the Houthi targeting of King Abdullah Airport in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, with two planned car bombs, one of which caused civilian casualties among passengers and airport workers, while the other was intercepted by coalition forces.”

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, the UAE said the targeting of the airport is a dangerous escalation and a cowardly act that threatens the security, safety and lives of civilians and travelers.

It also said that the attack was a war crime that requires taking all necessary measures to protect civilian objects from Houthi threats.

The Ministry reiterated the UAE’s full solidarity with the Kingdom in the face of these terrorist attacks and its support for all measures taken to preserve the security and safety of its citizens and residents.

The statement stressed that the security of the UAE and that of Saudi Arabia are indivisible and that any threat or danger facing the Kingdom is considered by the UAE as a threat to the security and stability of the country.

Systematic Aggression

The Kingdom of Bahrain also strongly condemned the targeting of King Abdullah Airport in Jizan by the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia.

The Houthi offensive is an extension of systematic and deliberate hostile attempts to target civilians, civilian installations and civilian objects, it said.

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry praised the readiness, vigilance and efficiency of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, stressing the kingdom’s support for Saudi Arabia in all deterrent measures it takes against those who seek to undermine its security, stability, territorial integrity, citizens and residents.

“On Friday, the Saudi-led Arab coalition announced a new casualty toll from Houthi militia targeting King Abdullah Airport in Jizan.”

The official spokesman for the coalition forces, Brigadier General Turki Al-Maliki, said that following the statement issued by the joint forces command yesterday evening of a hostile attempt to attack King Abdullah Airport in Jizan by the Houthi terrorist militias supported by Iran, was carried out by a drone bomb, resulting in ten civilian casualties among travelers and airport employees.

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