Arabian Gulf

UAE submits candidacies to Human Rights Council

The United Arab Emirates has submitted its candidacies for membership in the United Nations Human Rights Council, within the Group of Asian States.

The UAE, which has a long human rights record, is expected to be a member of the Council between 2022 and 2024.

The United Nations General Assembly will elect, on Thursday, 18 members of the Human Rights Council from 5 groups representing the five continents to the vacant seats.

Five countries are ahead of the Asia Group: the UAE, India, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, and Qatar.

The United Arab Emirates has a long record of achievements in the promotion and protection of human rights, based on its cultural heritage and its constitution, which guarantees civil liberties for all.

The recent promulgation of Federal Law No. 12 of 2021 by President Sheikh Khalifa ben Zayed Al Nahyane on the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), the culmination of a long march of efforts to protect and promote human rights in the country over the past 50 years.

The law gives the Authority independent legal personality and financial and administrative independence in the exercise of its functions, activities and competencies, which include a list of competencies and powers related to the promotion and protection of human rights in the state.

The Authority oversees awareness-raising campaigns, disseminates a culture of human rights and makes suggestions to the competent authorities on the compatibility of legislation and laws with international human rights instruments, covenants and conventions to which the State is a party and their follow-up.

It monitors, verifies and reports any human rights violations or abuses to the competent authorities, as well as participating in international and regional human rights forums.

Since its founding, the United Arab Emirates has been establishing a tolerant, multicultural community in which people from all over the world live in harmony and harmony with one another.

It has also succeeded in establishing an integrated system of legislation and executive measures that has ensured the protection and promotion of the rights of women, children, senior citizens, employers, workers and prisoners, as well as its active contribution to combating the phenomenon of human trafficking at the regional and international levels.

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