
Fictitious organizations try to disfigure the UAE internationally.. Who is behind it?

After achieving huge success in the elections for the International Human Rights Council that joins the list of many resounding successes as the foremost humanitarian country. Many fake organizations are trying to slander the UAE through alleged reports, lies and rumors.

The lies of phantom organizations

As the UAE sought to lead the International Criminal Police Organization, several entities through their suspect organizations, which do not exist in the first place and have no accredited entity, rushed to spread rumors and lies about Abou Dabi to disrupt their honorable march through these despicable attempts.

Eleven human rights organizations alleged that Project Associates, a British consultancy firm, contracted Abou Dabi authorities to promote the nomination of Emirati national Ahmed Al-Raessi to lead Interpol.


These anonymous organizations claimed that the UAE has a poor human rights record, that there are ongoing violations committed by state security forces under the command of the main general, and that multiple allegations of torture were made against him in France and the UK, despite the many international acclaim in Abou Dabi among the world’s leading actors, including the UN Security Council, the UN, and others, that the UAE has achieved numerous humanitarian successes and established equality and harmony among its people.

These false calls were signed by a group of unknown and de facto unlicensed entities, including the Center for the Advocacy of UAE Detainees, ALQST Human Rights, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, the Association of Victims of Torture – United Arab Emirates – Democracy in the Arab World Now, the International Detention Organization, the European Center for Democracy and Human Rights, the Fair Trials Organization, the International Campaign for Freedom in the United Arab Emirates, including Human Rights, and the Middle East Democracy Project.


Confusion about Emirati achievement:

Dalia Ziada, director of the Center for Free Democratic Studies, said that the campaign by suspicious organizations is very unfortunate. She said there has been a large organized campaign against the UAE since it began hosting Expo 2020.

Ziada added that there are those who want to disturb this great achievement of the United Arab Emirates as the first Arab country to host this huge event, in addition, of course, to its major scientific and administrative achievements, the most recent of which was Emirates Mars Mission and the arrival of the Emirates to Mars.

She continued: Human rights are not a weakness of the United Arab Emirates in order to be attacked. The UAE is one of the best countries in the Arab Gulf region, if not among all Arab countries, when it comes to respecting and guaranteeing basic human rights, both for its citizens and for those who come to it.

“To measure this, one can simply view the status of women’s rights and religious freedoms as key indicators, and also because these two groups in particular are the most violated across the Middle East”.


Shiny human rights record:

Prominent human rights organizations pointed out that UAE women are strongly present in all leadership positions in the UAE, as well as in various public activities, especially in the political and business sector, for example, the UAE government has nine female ministers, most of them young women, and there is no other country in the region as a whole, including Egypt, where the state strongly supports women’s rights, has this number of young female ministers, at the scientific level, suffice to mention that young Emirati women represented at least half of the team that led the UAE Hope Probe mission to Mars last year. In addition, the UAE is the only country in the Arab Gulf region that has a huge and influential board for businesswomen, who lead hundreds of successful business and charitable projects, both within the UAE and around the world.

In view of religious freedoms, the United Arab Emirates had taken unprecedented steps in the past five years to promote and support religious freedom for all residents of its territory, including legislative amendments and the construction of religious houses other than the Islamic religion espoused by Emiratis.

The UAE government is the only Arab government that has allowed the construction of Hindu temples on its soil. Nearly two years ago, the government of Abou Dabi is working on the construction of a huge Hindu temple. This is a very courageous measure and cannot be considered ordinary in a region that is chronically suffering from extremism and fanaticism of one religion.

The UAE leadership is keen to improve its performance on the human rights file at other, more advanced levels. “In August, the head of state, Sheikh Khalifa ben Zayed, issued a decree establishing a national human rights body based on the Paris Principles, whose purpose is to help various government offices implement human rights, educate employees and the public about it, and set up a body like that which is a precedent among all Arab Gulf states.”


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