
UK: The Muslim Brotherhood’s losses following the designation of “Hamas” as a terrorist organization

The announcement by the British Home Office on Friday that Hamas, with its political and military wings, will be officially listed as a banned terrorist organization in the UK will have “serious consequences” for the Muslim Brotherhood, experts and analysts said.

The decision, approved by the British parliament, declared Hamas a “terrorist organization,” both in its political and military branches.

Secretary-General of the Central Front for Combating Extremism and Religious Extremism Sabra al-Qassemi said that the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood received a decisive blow with the official announcement of banning Hamas in Britain and declaring it a terrorist organization.

He pointed out that the decision will have direct effects on Hamas, which will automatically reflect on the financial position of the Brotherhood and will make them move directly to finance Hamas more, especially that the UK will immediately freeze Hamas’s assets in its territory.

Al-Qassemi believes that the reversal of the Hamas ban will not stop in Britain, but will inevitably extend to the rest of Europe, which will be a painful blow to the Brotherhood, which is losing direct allies in all countries of the world day after day.

Al-Qassemi has emphasized that the international community let go of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group and turned the aversion of the international community from mere condemnation into direct action, which resulted in the group’s funds and the pursuit of its members in the Hamas organization.

Three heads

Amrou Abdel Moneim, an expert on extremist groups, said that Britain has directly banned Hamas because the movement has financial bases in Britain, divided into three main heads.

According to Abdel Moneim, the three heads of state are in charge of the group’s security arm and have a lot of money. The second is in charge of coordinating with Hamas inside Europe and also maintains major funds to support their presence in Europe.

The financial aspect of the Brotherhood will be affected, Abdel Moneim added, considering that about 40% of the money that flows into Gaza comes from the financial arms of the group in Britain, which will increase the suffering of the organization in the coming period to collect other sources of money and pay it to Gaza.

On the political level, Abdel Moneim believes that placing Hamas on terrorist lists will directly reflect on the Brotherhood, which will lose significant ground in European reality as a result of the decision.

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