
Sudan: four protesters killed in renewed mobilization to restore democracy

The Sudanese Professionals Association confirmed at dawn on Friday its commitment to the pure transfer of power to the forces of revolution and to open the way for a civil and democratic Sudan.

Thursday’s massacre will only be a new reason for more steadfastness and an incentive for the unity and development of the tools of the street and its revolutionary forces”, the Professional Gathering leader of the protest movement said in a statement.

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (non-governmental) announced that four people were killed in demonstrations on Thursday in the city of Omdourman, west of the capital Khartoum, without comment from the authorities.

The Committee also said that 200 people were injured, including 40 with live bullets in Thursday’s protests.

The three negation of the revolution: Equality, no legitimacy, no negotiation, has become more concrete and clear, and initiatives and attempts to save power will not work.

We cannot listen to any voice other than to declare the transfer of power exclusively to the forces of the revolution and open the way immediately for a democratic civil Sudan.

The statement called on the regular forces to realize their responsibility to stop violations against the people, and to stop protecting a small group at the top of the government.

The US embassy in Khartoum on Thursday condemned the killing of four demonstrators and the wounding of dozens of others in demonstrations demanding civilian rule.

For his part, Volker Peretz, head of the United Nations Mission in Sudan, expressed his deep concern over reports that 4 demonstrators were killed in protests that took place on Thursday in the capital, Khartoum.

“Reports of the killing of four Sudanese protesters on Thursday and attacks on press freedom have caused my great alarm”, the UN envoy said in a tweet on his personal Twitter account.

“Although more time is needed to confirm them, initial reports are worrying,” he said.

“There must be a credible investigation into these violations and the right to freedom of expression”, he said.

Demonstrations were held on Thursday by the Professionals Association and Resistance Committees to condemn the political agreement signed between the president of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah al Burhan, and Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, and to demand the return of civil democratic rule.

Since 25 October, Sudan has been witnessing protests in rejection of measures taken by al-Burhan, including the declaration of a state of emergency, the dissolution of the Sovereign Council and the transitional ministers, the removal of Hamdok, and the arrest of party leaders and officials.

Political and civil forces described the measures as a military coup, while the army denied them.

On November 21st, al-Burhan and Hamdok signed a political agreement that included the return of the latter to office, the formation of a government of competent individuals, the release of political prisoners, and a pledge by both parties to work together to complete the democratic process.

But Sudanese political and civil forces see the agreement as an attempt to legitimize the coup, and vow to continue protests until full civilian rule is achieved during the transitional period.

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