
A new book denounces the crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood

The fifth edition of the book by author and researcher Amr Farouk, titled “They Were Brothers, They Were Muslims… Crimes of the Sons of Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb,” was recently published by “A House of Treasures” for publishing and distribution

The book reveals and observes many details, backgrounds, and political, moral, and financial scandals that have witnessed the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood since its inception, whether inside or outside Egypt, and its meeting with Western colonialist projects in the dismantling of the Arab and Islamic world, and includes a number of chapters that focus on the internal status of the Brotherhood and its organizational structure. Throughout its history and its origins in the 1930s, at the hands of Hassan el-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood has employed religion to serve its political purposes, in an attempt to control Egypt, which is the pillar of the tent in the Arab region

Under hundreds of religious slogans that she herself lent herself to and gave the impression of being involved in suspicious movements, in the form of a blanket and a legitimate garment concealing her true goals, her dream of access and domination of power, dozens of armed operations and a legitimization of violence, atonement and terror were carried out by women who shared their subversive ideas among young people, and wrote the literature of extremist organizations that escaped from the minds of the Brothers.

History will bear witness that all the blood that was shed under the banner of guarding religion and Sharia in modern history will remain on the neck and neck of Hassan el-Banna, Sayyid Qutb and Abul Ala Maududi, to the end of the world, because of the literature and theories they presented and interpreted as legitimate for armed action, in pursuit of the project of the caliphate.

The project, whose content and overall content were nothing but a political project that the Muslim Brotherhood has taken as a cover throughout its history to justify its practices, steps and plans to infiltrate Arab, Islamic and European societies with the aim of controlling religious and political domination of its resources and wealth.

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