Arabian Gulf

Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan participates in G20 Foreign Ministers’ meetings in India

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, is taking part in the G20 meetings of foreign ministers in India.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s participation comes at the head of a high-level delegation and in light of the UAE’s invitation to participate in the G20 as a guest for the second consecutive year and the third time since 2020.

On this occasion, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan stressed the importance of the G20 meetings, chaired by the friendly Republic of India, in strengthening international cooperation and multilateral action on many urgent issues that are a priority in all development plans aimed at achieving sustainable economic prosperity in societies.

He also affirmed the deep-rooted strategic and historical relations between the UAE and the Republic of India and the UAE’s unwavering support for India’s presidency of the G20, noting that the UAE and India have achieved many remarkable achievements thanks to their comprehensive strategic partnership.

He thanked the Republic of India for organizing the G-20 Foreign Ministers’ Meetings in New Delhi and wished it success during its chairmanship of the G-20.

The first session deals with the themes of strengthening multilateral action and supporting reforms, energy and food security, and international cooperation. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan made a speech during the session on the importance of strengthening multilateral action and the UAE’s orientation towards the most prominent items of the global agenda, especially in light of the country’s hosting of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP28) this year.

The second main session focused on combating terrorism, fostering talent, and confronting the dangers of crises and disasters.

The meetings of the G-20 foreign ministers come at an exceptional time, as the international arena is witnessing unprecedented challenges on the political, economic and environmental levels, foremost among them the challenges of the climate, the risks of energy and food supplies, and the significant growth in the indebtedness of developing and least developed countries.

The UAE received an invitation from the Indian Presidency of the G20 to participate as a guest in the work of the G20 summit in 2023, for the second time in a row after receiving a similar invitation from the Indonesian Presidency of the G22.

The UAE also participated in the G20 summit in 2020 under the Saudi presidency and in 2011 under the French presidency in light of its assumption of the rotating presidency of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

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