
After meeting Herzog.. Turkey hands over Palestinian Omri Odeh to Israel

Every new day, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asserts that he is a politician without principle or morals, and that the Brotherhood’s propaganda of their so-called successor, Erdogan, was nothing more than a card they manipulated to advance their interests and ambitions at the expense of the Arab and Muslim peoples.

The story of the‏ Omri’s Odeh extradition back to Israel after his arrest in‎ Turkey, reveals Erdogan’s Machiavellian principles, which only know the language of interest, and the ends that justify the means.

Hebrew newspaper Maariv confirmed, Wednesday, that Turkish authorities arrested Omri Odeh, who fled from the violence of the Israeli occupation in 2018, the newspaper said that his extradition to Israel was the fruit of the meeting of Israeli President Herzog with Turkish President Erdogan.

Israeli Maariv said: “Omri Odeh, who has fled since 2018, was arrested in Turkey, as relations between the two countries improved after Herzog’s visit, and police requested his extradition to Israel, allegedly on suspicion of involvement in murder in Israel”.

Maariv noted that Omri Odeh, was arrested by Turkish police and handed over to Israel, although there is no extradition agreement between the two countries.

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