
After the success of the Yemeni consultations… full information for the Yemeni Presidential Council

The Houthi militia is in a state of deep confusion after Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi announced that he has delegated full presidential powers to the Presidential Command Council in Yemen. The Presidential Command Council is composed of eight members and is led by Rashad al-Alimi.

Rashad Al-Alimi

He was born in Taiz province (southwest of Yemen) in 1954. He obtained a Bachelor of Military Sciences degree from the Kuwaiti Police College in 1975 and another University of Literature degree from Sana’a University in 1977. He obtained a Master’s degree and a Ph.D in sociology from the Egyptian University of “Ain Shams” in 1984 and 1988. He held positions including adviser to the President of the Republic, Chairman of the Supreme Security Committee, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs and Minister of the Interior.

Abdullah Al-Alimi

Born in the southern province of Shabwah in 1979, he works as a faculty member at the University of Aden and graduated from the university as a general practitioner. He also received a bachelor’s degree in sharia and law from the Yemeni University of Science and Technology and a master’s degree in administration from the Malaysian University.

For years, he has served as director of the Office of the President of the Republic and is one of Hadi’s closest allies.

Faraj Salmin Al-Husni

Born in the eastern province of Hadramawt in 1955, he joined the army in 1971 and is currently governor of Hadramawt, Yemen’s largest province.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in artillery and rocket science at the Soviet Union’s Higher Military College in 1975, and a master’s degree from the Frunze Academy of Russian Military Studies in 1983, and graduated in military positions, including head of the Southern Artillery Corps, deputy commander for training, and director of the Chief of Staff’s Office.

Sultan Ali Aradah

Born in Marib province (central Yemen) in 1958, a graduate of the Faculty of Arts at Sanaa University, he has been involved in politics since the late 1970s. He held positions including the governor of Marib, a major general in the army, and a former member of parliament.

He is one of the most prominent tribal and military figures in Marib and Yemen in general, who emerged during the war largely as governor of Marib against the Houthis.

Tarek Mohamed Saleh

Born in 1970, he is a prominent military commander in the Yemeni army, and the nephew of the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh was largely active during the war.

Saleh currently commands the so-called National Resistance, a highly trained and well-armed military formation based in the strategic city of Mocha, near the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

Othman Hussein Fayed Majali

Born in 1970, he is a parliamentarian and a tribal leader in the Houthi main stronghold of Saada. In 2003, he joined the General People’s Congress (GPC) and held political positions, most notably the minister of agriculture, with a long political following in Yemen.

Aidarus al-Zoubaidi

Born in the southern governorate of Ad Dali in 1967, a prominent political leader in Yemen is the chairman of the Southern Transitional Council. He held positions including the governor of southern Aden.

Abdul-Rahman Abu Zaraa

A well-known military commander, nicknamed Abu Ziraa al-Maharami, he has been involved in numerous battles against the Houthis. He is the leader of the so-called “Giants” and “al-Mahrami” brigades and has close ties to the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

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