
After Turkish Intelligence Service Tries to Recruit Him.. Who Is Lotfi Al-Harari, Deputy Chief of the Libyan Security Service?

“Turkish intelligence operatives (President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s terrorist arm) have targeted a number of militia leaders in Libya, the latest of which was attempts to recruit Lotfi al-Harari, the deputy head of Libya’s internal security service, following heavy losses, especially with the Abdel Hamid Dbeibah government taking over the country and the Libyan National Army clearing large swaths of militia-held territory”.
Lotfi Al-Fitouri Belgasem Al-Harari is one of the most prominent warlords in Tripoli, where he has been involved in the bloodshed of many Libyans.
Deputy Chief of the Deterrent Militia
According to Decree No. 596 of 2020, Fayez al-Sarraj, then president of the Presidential Council of the National Accord Government, appointed Lotfi al-Harari as deputy head of the Internal Security Agency, or the Deterrence Force Militia.
Covering up for warlords
The decision to entrust Al-Hariri is part of Fayez Al-Sarraj’s attempts to cover up the warlords and their militias in order to fortify himself and ensure his continued service, by confronting Fathi Bashagha, the former interior minister in the national Accord government, during the fighting of the Al-Wefaq terrorist wings.
Al-Harari extended its influence in the areas of reconciliation
After taking his authority, terrorist Lotfi Al-Harari’s name emerged so that he was able to establish his influence over large areas of those areas controlled by the outgoing Government of National Accord, after he fought many bloody battles that caused the deaths of many Libyan civilians.
Rebellion against al-Sarraj
In February, Lotfi al-Harari rebelled against the head of the Presidential Council of the Government of Accord, Fayez al-Sarraj. The group that was charged with securing al-Sarraj replaced the assignment with a force affiliated with the Nawasi Forces, and threatened anyone who refused to comply with his instructions by imprisoning him in Abu Salim.
Accurate monitoring by Erdoğan’s intelligence of Al-Harari movement
Erdoğan’s terrorist arms have detected the importance and danger of al-Harari among the leaders of al-Wefaq militias, following careful monitoring of his movements over a long period of time; “in order to subjugate him to the leadership of its militias in Tripoli, as is often the case with attempts to attract the holders of sovereign and sensitive positions in countries where he has ambitions”.
Investigation and recruitment attempts
Lotfi Al-Harari was detained by the Turkish authorities at an airport in Turkey while he was on his way to Vienna, and interrogated for 3 hours; in order to include it in its cards of influence in Libya.
Financial inducement
Through the provision of millions of dollars, Turkish attempts to pressure Al-Harari to subdue him and obtain information from him on the latest developments on the ground in Libya continued.
It is worth noting that Erdoğan is pursuing his political and oil ambitions in Libya, ignoring any regional or international initiatives to stop war machines, and foreign interventions that impede international efforts aimed at bringing peace and the success of the political track in the country that has suffered for nearly a decade, from successive crises and war civility ignited by terrorist militias and foreign mercenaries.

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