
After years of denial, Hassan Nasrallah admits the involvement of the Lebanese Hezbollah in the war in Yemen

After years of lying, hiding facts, denying evidence, and being involved in many crimes in Yemen, the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has admitted that his party participated in the Yemeni war on behalf of the Houthi militia supported by Iran.

In an interview with the Al-Mayadeen channel, which is affiliated with the so-called Iranian resistance axis, Nasrallah said: “In the war on Yemen, Hezbollah is not qualified to play a mediating role; because we are part of Mr. Abdul Malik al-Houthi with the Yemeni people and the Ansar Allah movement”.

Nasrallah continued his controversial speech: “The mediator, usually, demands concessions from both sides but, what concession can Ansar Allah make?”, adding: “The Iranians gave a clear answer regarding mediation in the Yemen war, that nothing the Yemenis can give up”.

The Houthi militia and Hezbollah are organized in the so-called Iran-led Axis of Resistance and form its arms in the region. “Iran prides itself on being its forward line of protection in the region, and also includes Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces militias”.

Yemeni websites said the group’s involvement in Yemen has already been proven, including the presence of experts in various parts of the country and its significant role in training, planning and smuggling Iranian weapons technology. The group denies this, and Iran says that its relationship with the militia does not exceed political support.

Earlier last year, the Arab coalition published material evidence proving the party’s involvement in planning and supporting Houthi militias, with one video showing a Lebanese militia leader talking to Houthi militia leader and head of its military intelligence agency, Abu Ali al-Hakam, over control of Hodeidah governorate and the Red Sea coast in western Yemen.

He said the reason Yemeni forces arrived at Hodeida airport and other areas in Hodeidah city in 2018 was “disagreements between Houthi leaders”, adding: “Without the UN-sponsored truce, Hodeida would have fallen from our hands”.

He also warned of the fall of Hodeidah, saying, “The Syrian war is nearing its end, and the mujahideen (Hezbollah members and pro-Iranian groups) most of them will come to Yemen”, clarifying that the Red Sea is the way for the arrival of support. “If we lose the sea, we will lose our support and the mujahideen will not be able to reach us. We have started to organize our ranks and mobilize the mujahideen to us”, he said

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