
Al-Ula summit violations.. How did Qatar violate reconciliation with the Arabs?

More than a year after al-Ula summit in Riyadh, which saw the Arab Spring reconcile with Qatar, Doha has committed several violations and has not complied with all of its pledges.

Qatar’s Media

Although Qatar appears to be abiding by its commitments, its horns continue to work continuously to insult the Arab state and continue to violate the agreement.

Observers believe that Qatar will not abide by its commitments at the summit, and that it is using Al-Jazeera channel to implement its plans by claiming freedom of information and opinion, even though everyone knows very well that the Qatari government has direct authority over Al-Jazeera.

Observers say that the Houthi militia’s attacks on the Gulf States revealed this.

After the Houthi terrorist attack on the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, the tone of Qatari media was one of healing, not condemnation of the attack.

Recently, Al Jazeera and its media outlets began an attempt to discredit Saudi Arabia and claim that it is trying to politicize the Grand Mosque.

The channel also works to polish the Brotherhood, distort the Egyptian regime, and promote the illegitimacy of the Egyptian government.

Funded networks

Members of the Qatari government, close to Qatari ruler Tamim bin Hamad, oversee a network of paid accounts that act as a critique of Arab states.

Qatar is also providing extensive electronic funding to manage networks of fake accounts targeting the stability and security of the Gulf countries and making false accusations against them and insulting the Arab Quartet, led by the United Arab Emirates, to distort its image and humanitarian role in Yemen.

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