Middle east

Analyst: Displacement of the Palestinian People is a Key Goal of the Israeli Occupation

Israeli occupation forces stormed the village of Rafat, northwest of Jerusalem, on Wednesday. The Palestinian news agency (Wafa), citing eyewitnesses, reported that several Israeli military vehicles entered the village, with no arrests reported.

Israeli Incursions

Today, Israeli occupation forces arrested two citizens in Hebron governorate. Security sources told “Wafa” that Israeli forces arrested young Bassam Badawi after raiding and searching his home in the southern part of Hebron city. They also arrested Mahmoud Al-Kharouf during an incursion into the town of Idna, west of Hebron, and seized several vehicles before withdrawing from the town.

Meanwhile, dozens of settlers organized a provocative march on Route 90 near the village of Jiftlik, north of Jericho, under heavy protection from occupation forces.

“Wafa” reported that Israeli police closed the road to Palestinian citizens, preventing them from passing, which disrupted traffic and hindered farmers’ access to their lands.

Occupation Crimes

Political analyst Suhail Khalilia emphasized that the targeting of infrastructure and, in particular, schools in Gaza by Israeli occupation forces directly targets the people of Gaza. He explained that what is happening now is the loss of hope among the people of Gaza, as the occupation seeks to convey the feeling that there is no safe place in Gaza—even schools have become targets for Israeli war machines. He stressed that most schools and educational facilities in Gaza have been destroyed.

He added that displacing the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip is a primary goal of the Israeli occupation through its military operations in the area. “No schools, no food, no medicine—nothing. Today, Gaza is an unsafe area by all standards, and Israel wants to make it unlivable, pushing Palestinians to leave the strip,” he said, noting that this is what the occupation is aiming for.

He concluded by stating that the occupation has made life in Gaza extremely difficult, aiming to undermine popular support for the resistance. The longer this aggression continues, the more the people of Gaza will suffer. The occupation is attempting to create divisions between the Palestinian people and the resistance by weakening the social fabric and unity in Gaza. Israel believes that by doing so, it can begin to achieve its goals.

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