Arabian Gulf

Analysts and writers reveal the significance of the World Government Summit for countries in the region

The World Summit of Governments is the largest intergovernmental gathering of its kind in the world. The current session will be held from February 13-15 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, with the participation of 150 countries, 20 heads of state and government, more than 250 ministers, and 10,000 government officials, thought leaders, and global experts.

Summit launch

The World Summit of Governments began Monday morning in the Emirate of Dubai, with the participation of about 20 heads of state and government, more than 250 ministers and heads of about 80 international organizations, a large number of international economists and heads of international companies.

Meeting challenges

Nael Al Jawabra, an Emirati economist and analyst, says,

The World Summit will review, through more than 220 major interactive and dialog sessions, in which 300 world leaders, ministers, experts, intellectuals and future makers will address the most prominent current and future global challenges, governance of economic resilience and connectivity, education and jobs as the priorities of governments, accelerating development and governance, exploring new horizons, and designing and sustaining global cities.

The UAE analyst added that the summit seeks to see the future of policymakers, the business community and civil society through reviewing the latest innovations in government services, and empowering governments to develop government models and innovative policies and technology by upgrading government services and innovation.

World Changes

He explained that the changes that the world is witnessing in light of the acceleration of technological development require the development of governmental knowledge on a sustainable basis in order to strengthen the resilience of governments. The World Summit of Governments in Dubai may be able to offer valuable steps through which governments can strengthen their readiness for the future; This is done by benefiting from successful and inspiring international experiences that contribute to a deeper understanding of the future, bearing in mind that the most important component of the success of this experiment is investment in “human beings”.

Extended relationships

Writer Mustafa Bakri, a member of the Egyptian House of Representatives, says that there is more than one indication of the participation of the Egyptian state in the World Summit of Governments, following up: “Arab relations, Egypt’s relations with brothers in the Gulf, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, confirm all the time that there is interaction and understanding.

The MP added that Egypt’s participation as a guest of honor at the World Summit of Governments in the UAE is proof of the great achievements of the Egyptian state, just as Egypt was previously a guest of honor in India, in recognition of Egypt’s role and important experience in facing challenges, its ability to interact and open up to all countries of the world and its ability to launch various initiatives. Egypt has the capacity to put forward ideas and initiatives, and its appreciation for Egypt’s role and the distinguished relations between Egypt and the UAE.

He said co-operation between Egypt and the UAE is continuous, and there are major UAE investments in Egypt. There is trade exchange between the two countries amid very strong relations, and an emphasis on relations between Egypt, the UAE and Arab countries.

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