
Anticipation and concern in Iraq following the abduction of the Israeli-Russian researcher from its territory

A state of extreme concern has officially and popularly gripped Iraq following the abduction of Israeli-Russian researcher Elizabeth Tsurkov. There is heightened anticipation of an armed confrontation between Israel and an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia accused by Netanyahu of kidnapping the Israeli, placing the responsibility for her safety on the Iraqi authorities.

Iraqi anticipation

International reports have revealed a state of anxiety and anticipation following the abduction of the Israeli citizen in Iraq by an armed militia. There are concerns that this incident could trigger an armed confrontation in which Israel would strike sites or headquarters of Iranian-backed Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades accused of the abduction.

Iran’s involvement

Hashem Al-Shamma, an Iraqi political analyst, states that various accusations are being directed at the Shia Hezbollah Brigades group for their involvement in the abduction of the Israeli-Russian researcher. The Iraqi authorities are closely monitoring this matter, especially after the Israeli Prime Minister held them responsible for her safety. However, in reality, Iran and its affiliated militias are the main culprits in this crisis.

The Iraqi analyst added that the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades are an armed Shia militia in Iraq ideologically aligned with Iran’s Guardianship of the Jurist system. They receive Iranian funding, armament, training, and support, and they execute Iran’s agenda. He noted that this matter will lead Iraq into major crises with other countries following the abduction of the Israeli researcher.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Elizabeth Tsurkov, the Israeli-Russian researcher who has been missing in Iraq for several months, is still alive and being held by the Shia Hezbollah Brigades.

The Iraqi government has launched an investigation into the kidnapping of the Israeli-Russian researcher in the country, according to government spokesman Bassim Al-Awadi, following Israel’s accusation against an Iranian-backed Iraqi armed faction for her disappearance.

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