Middle east

Arab Coalition successfully interrupts explosive-laden drone launched by Houthis toward Saudi Arabia

State news agency SPA declared on Monday that the Arab Coalition interrupted and demolished an explosive-laden drone fired by Yemen’s Iran-supported Houthis towards Saudi Arabia.

Indeed, the Coalition Spokesperson, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, stated that the drone was the newest in a chain of tries by the Houthi militias to target civilians and civilian targets in the Kingdom.

The Coalition also reported the aerial assaults launched by Houthis in Yemen towards civilian areas in the Kingdom have increased in recent week by the use of remote-operated, explosive-laden drones.

Moreover, the most recent declaration by the Coalition indicates the sixth such attack during just five days, while Houthis said that it targeted an air field or base in southern Saudi Arabia.

The Coalition declared, earlier on Sunday, that it devastated two explosives fired into Saudi Arabia in an assault that the Houthis stated that hit Abha airport in the Kingdom’s South. While, Riyadh said last Wednesday that an assault caused a fire in a civilian aircraft at Abha airport.

On his part, Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the United Nations Abdullah Al-Muallami declared, on Sunday, that the Kingdom would continue to treat the Houthis as a terrorist organization nevertheless if the United States decided to classify the group with this designation.

On Friday, US Secretary of State, Anotny Blinken, declared lifting the terrorist group designation, since February 16, in recognition of the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Otherwise, President Joe Biden, who started his function on Jan. 20, has rapidly moved to reverse US policy, with reducing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and strengthen diplomacy to finish Yemen’s civil war. He also declared last week finishing the US support for the offensive actions of the Arab Coalition that interfered in Yemen 2015.

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