
Arab politicians: Yemeni consultations a historic achievement from Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are continuing their efforts to stabilize Yemen and to unify the views of the parties in the Yemeni state to complete state building and work to confront the challenges of Yemen. Yemeni-Yemeni consultations will begin in Riyadh on Wednesday and continue until April 7, which began today with the arrival of the participating members to Riyadh.

Agenda for discussions

A few hours await many Yemenis in the region to establish a new political reality and stability for their country, strengthen the role of security, and complete their nation-building in the coming phase from Riyadh, with support for the consultations launched under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council at its headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The agenda of the meetings will start today and include the registration of attendees, and will conclude after the meeting on six topics, including security, military, political, economic, social and humanitarian issues, and many of the discussions Yemen is facing.

Historic opportunity

Yemeni journalist Mohammed Al Dhabiani tweeted: Yemenis have a historic opportunity to achieve harmony and reconciliation, strengthen national cohesion, overcome challenges, and forge a solution that will ensure the restoration of the state, peacemaking, and ending the coup.

He added in a post: “We have high hopes and national Yemeni aspirations that the Yemeni-Yemeni consultations, sponsored by the Gulf Cooperation Council, will be made, a fact that will strengthen unity and forge a common vision that supports the national battle to restore the state and defeat the sinful Iranian Salafi Imam project, and we need to support this hope until victory”.

Confronting the Houthi threat

Meanwhile, Yemeni human rights activist Ziad al-Jaberi said all parties in Yemen should renew their hope to unify their ranks and confront the Houthi threat.

The Yemeni human rights analyst added: “Do your best and know that everyone hopes you will reach agreements that unify ranks, words and positions. Without this, the country will remain in the absence of the mountains, and the consultations are the first step towards defeating the militia.

Meanwhile, Yahya Al-Abed, a Yemeni writer and political analyst, said that all Yemenis are inside and outside the country because of Houthi crimes and violations against the Yemeni people. He added: “We will be your voice in the Yemeni-Yemeni consultations, and we will not be your voice unless you pledge to us a voice of truth against falsehood”.

Historic achievement

Political analyst Jameel Ali said the Riyadh consultations will help achieve the historic accomplishment for all Yemenis.

He added: It is enough for us today to see the resolve and determination of the free people of Yemen who flocked to the Riyadh consultations to make a historic achievement that all Yemenis are waiting for by unifying ranks, reforming absent state institutions, and taking advantage of all past mistakes and avoiding them without courtesy, favor or fanaticism. The time has come for corruption and absurdity to stop.

Fahad Taleb al-Sharafi, an adviser to the Yemeni Minister of Information, said: The Free Yemenis who flock to the Riyadh consultations are determined and determined to make the achievement that Yemen needs. Most of the people I met said that the process of reforming the system, taking advantage of all the mistakes of past years and avoiding them without courtesy or favor, is the gateway to all solutions, and that corruption, neglect and tampering must stop.

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