
Attack « Disrupts » Power Supply in Ukraine and Targets Foreign Mercenaries’ Headquarters

A Russian attack disrupted energy supplies in northern Ukraine, while Moscow announced targeting a headquarters of « foreign mercenaries ».

According to Ukrenergo, the operator of the national electricity grid in Ukraine, Russia attacked energy facilities in two regions with drones last night, causing disruptions in the power supply.

It added that electricity supply has already been restored to most consumers in the northern regions of Chernihiv and Zhytomyr.

The commander of the Ukrainian Air Force said that air defenses destroyed 20 out of 22 drones launched by Russia during the night. Most of the drones were shot down in the Kherson, Sumy, Zhytomyr, and Chernihiv regions.

According to the governor of Chernihiv, some infrastructure and a residential building were damaged during the attack on the town of Nizhyn, without providing further details.

Russia has intensified missile and drone attacks on Ukraine’s energy sector since spring, causing power outages in many regions, forcing Kyiv to start importing electricity on a large scale from the European Union.

Foreign Mercenaries’ Headquarters 

Sergei Lebedev, coordinator of Russian covert operations in the Mykolaiv region, reported that Russian forces targeted a military site of Ukrainian forces in the city of Nizhyn, in the Chernihiv region.

In an interview with the “Sputnik” agency, Lebedev stated, “The strike was carried out on a site of Ukrainian armed forces in the city of Nizhyn, in the Chernihiv region. Among the killed were up to ten foreign mercenaries,” adding that the sound of explosions was heard throughout the city of Nizhyn.

According to Lebedev, the mercenaries were stationed at the site in preparation for some action and were all neutralized.

On April 25, the Russian Investigative Committee reported that “more than 3100 mercenaries are participating in the fighting alongside Ukraine, with the vast majority coming from the United States, Canada, Britain, Europe, and Georgia.”

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