Arabian Gulf

Boredom afflicts Qatar World Cup fans, bad service stirs resentment

Fans are surprised that the stadiums that host the tournament can be moved around in a few minutes. However, what was disappointing is that this small country that hosts the World Cup does not have any places to go away from the atmosphere of football.

Qatari ugliness

The roads, the random flow of traffic, abandoned cars and parks, and the shockingly disfiguring water and sewage pipes that are scattered all over Qatar. The image of the World Cup is merely one image that has nothing to do with the tragic reality in Qatar.

It added that unlike the state, which has nothing to do with tourism or camels, the World Cup in Qatar is very boring, as fans enjoy the games only, and there are no other recreational activities, which made the tournament expose the true face of Qatar, and that it does not resemble neighboring UAE and Saudi Arabia in development and attractions, there is no theater, cinema, parks, shows, events or beaches to face the waves of the deadly heat just in football, making the atmosphere very boring, pushing fans to escape the small Gulf state to its neighbors.

Cursed Championship

According to the British newspaper, normal services in Qatar are very poor. Food was not at the level that the fans hoped for, and prices are very high compared to those in the UAE or Saudi Arabia. Food here is not considered to be international, or even an image of Arabs who are famous for their generosity and hospitality.

It continued that everything in Qatar is bad, as if the tournament is cursed, haunted by the ghosts and lives of thousands of workers who died while building World Cup facilities and stadiums, no one can find happiness in Qatar.

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