
Canada suspends arms sales to Turkey after claims of use by Azerbaijan

A senior Canadian official reported on Monday that Canada has suspended some export permits to Turkey after reports that Canadian technology was used in the military fight in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Francois-Philippe Champagne declared in a statement: In line with Canada’s robust export control regime and due to the ongoing hostilities, I have suspended the relevant export permits to Turkey, so as to allow time to further assess the situation.

Indeed, France and many other nations have accused Turkey of sending mercenaries to fight next to the Azerbaijan forces against Armenia-backed troops in the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. They also accused Israel of providing heavy weapons to the Azeris. Armenia and after being reported by Al Arabiya English last week, recalled its ambassador to Tel Aviv for consultations about the sale of Israeli arms to Baku.

Moreover, the top Canadian diplomat added on Monday, that his country continued to be concerned by the ongoing conflict in the Caucasus region. He said that we call for measures to be taken immediately to stabilize the situation on the ground and reiterate that there is no alternative to a peaceful, negotiated solution to this conflict.

It should be noted that Ankara is supporting its longtime ally Baku in the fighting about Nagorno-Karabakh, which an ethnic Armenian province that separated from Azerbaijan in a severe war in the 1990s. Armenia and Azerbaijan were in a conflict for decades about the region and new combat has been the heaviest in decades, it was confirmed that nearly 200 people were killed.

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