
Civil War – African warnings about the continuation of the conflict in Khartoum

Sudan is living through a very difficult climate and a non-truce war between Hemeti’s RSF and al-Burhan’s SAF, which has been plagued by successive crises since mid-April.

The latest, and most serious, was a US-Saudi brokered truce in Jeddah, but both sides failed to abide, prompting UN parties to warn strongly against dragging Sudan into a civil war that could decimate the entire region.

Warnings of civil war

The African Union Commission recently warned of a civil war in Sudan if the conflict is not stopped, and called on African states to stand in solidarity with and help Sudan find a solution to the crisis.

If the fighting does not stop immediately there will be a civil war in Sudan, said AU Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki, adding that the worsening situation in Sudan is threatening the entire region.

The crisis in Sudan represents a major threat to the existence of the Sudan, Faki said, describing it as a process of self-destruction.

New plan

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) summit presented a new plan to end the conflict, as clashes and explosions continued in various parts of Khartoum.

IGAD groups eight African countries: Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Eritrea.

No Truce Agreement

The Sudanese capital, Khartoum, has been transformed from a quiet city into a war zone, while Saudi Arabia and the United States have repeatedly called on the warring parties to arrange a ceasefire during meetings in Jeddah.

In the early days of the fighting, military commanders, army generals and rapid support commanders were fighting with determination and ferocity and each side was trying to deal a knockout blow to the other, and the first clashes of the South Sudanese civil war in 2013 were similar to what we are seeing today.

People take part in the war

“The Sudanese army’s call for all those capable of bearing arms to acquire arms from the army, including retired military personnel, has sparked widespread fears of an escalating confrontation with the RSF.”

“We make this appeal and call on all officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers and all those who are capable of carrying arms to head to the nearest military command to arm them,” Sudanese Defense Minister-designate Lt. Gen. Yassin Ibrahim Yassin said in a statement.

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