
Confronting the Houthi Threat – Yemeni analysts reveal details of Yemeni consultations in Riyadh to defeat the militia

The Houthi militia continues its absurd plans and refuses to sit down at any dialog table, absent from the Yemeni consultations held in Riyadh, in the presence of all the Yemeni sects. Despite the invitation of the Gulf Cooperation Council to the Houthis, they did not attend, which confirms that the militia is working to harm and destabilize Yemen and continue to cause chaos and sabotage in Yemen.

The stability of the Yemeni state

This comes at a time when the Yemeni-Yemeni consultations, under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Riyadh, are continuing until April 7th. These consultations and discussions are aimed at resolving the conflict and resolving the Yemeni crisis. Yemenis are counting on them to stabilize their country by unifying their ranks, working to build the state and confronting the dangers sponsored by Iran, represented by the Houthis, in order for Yemen to continue to be mired in crises.

A unified vision in Riyadh

Yemeni journalist Kamel Al-Khodani says Yemeni consultations have achieved what was not done in years in uniting ranks and correcting the course in Yemen by presenting different visions in the presence of Yemeni parties.

The Yemeni journalist tweeted: “What has not been achieved in years has been achieved only two days from the beginning of the meeting: united in ranks, united in visions, united in unity, embracing each other, apologizing for mistakes, throwing differences and overcoming differences, unanimously correcting shortcomings and coming up with a unified vision in all areas, with the same goal of reclaiming our country”.

Joining Yemeni ranks

Yahya Abu Hatim, a Yemeni military and strategic expert, said the Yemeni consultations meet all the demands of the Yemeni people and lead to quick solutions and heal the rift between Yemenis.

The Yemeni strategist added: “The purpose of the consultations is to meet the aspirations of the Yemeni people, heal the rift between Yemenis, unify the ranks of Yemenis, support the legitimate government, and eliminate the Houthi terrorist group”.

Confronting the Houthi threat

Othman al-Ahdal, a political analyst, said the only hope of these Yemeni consultations is to unite the word to confront the Houthis and all their mercenaries in Yemen.

He added in a post: “The only hope we can expect from the Riyadh Consultations Conference is unity of words and unity as one bloc against the Houthi militia. I pray to God that the efforts of the GCC will not be in vain, especially since we have entrusted mercenaries in their creations with breaking the pledge”.

Objectives of the Yemeni consultations

The Yemeni consultations, sponsored by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council and held in Riyadh, are the largest political event to unite Yemen and confront the dangers of Houthi, which inspires the capabilities of Yemen and the region to achieve Iran’s goals in the region. It is noteworthy that these consultations were widely welcomed internationally and internationally, especially since they included all the sects of the Yemeni people and worked under one banner for the unity of Yemen.

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