Arabian Gulf

COP 28 Climate Summit… Intensive UAE efforts for the success of the Global Summit

World leaders are gathering in Dubai to participate in the annual climate talks in December. covering topics ranging from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to adapting to extreme climate phenomena and carbon trading. as well as gender inequality.

The “COP 28 in the UAE” will begin on Thursday. November 30, and is expected to conclude on Thursday. December 12. While the talks are expected to last for two weeks. they are known to sometimes extend for an additional day. or two as delegations discuss the final summit statement.

A good opportunity

Dr. Dumit Kamel. the President of the Global Environment Party. expressed his hope that COP 28 Climate Summit. scheduled to be held in the United Arab Emirates on November 30. will represent a good opportunity. to adopt a unified strategy to address climate change. which is affecting. the entire world.especially the Arab region.

He called on the United Arab Emirates to take. the lead in establishing a global strategy based on scientific. plans to combat global warming. and climate change.

Shared cooperation

Dr. Abdel Maseeh Samaan. a professor of environmental .and climate studies. says that the UAE is intensifying its efforts to cooperate comprehensively with all countries worldwide. unifying the efforts of developed. and developing economies. civil society organizations. the private sector. energy consumers. with the aim of making COP 28 Climate Summit .an implementation summit. not just a forum for decisions or proposals.

He added that the UAE is striving for a transition towards a green economy. achieving an energy transition through .the development of renewable .and clean energy projects. as well as domestic green hydrogen projects. It currently owns three of. the world’s largest solar energy projects. in addition to completing its hydrogen roadmap.

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