
Demonstrations in Istanbul… and official efforts to prevent protest activities

A large number of Turks demonstrated yesterday in the city of Istanbul in protest against the high prices and living difficulties.

During the demonstration, participants raised the slogans “We want a human life” and “No to price increases”, demanding the cancelation of taxes on basic consumer goods and support for electricity used in houses with consumption of no more than 230 kilowatts.

The protest was marked by the platform “No Increases” in the Kadıköy region, airing the song “He will leave” by the famous singer Tarkan, which has gained popularity since its release this month, and a number of politicians attended the protest.

The protest also included speeches by citizens, merchants and farmers, who described their suffering as prices rise, their living conditions are not taken into account and the difficulties they are going through.

In connection with the demonstrations and the attempt by the Turkish authorities to besiege them, the Turkish State of Bitlis imposed a 15-day ban on protest activities and marches for security reasons, and made obtaining permission from the relevant authorities a condition for holding various events in the State.

In a statement, the State of Bitlis said that it was decided to ban various activities in the city, such as marches, demonstrations, rallies, tents and sit-ins.

It attributed its decision to the prevention of crimes that threaten the unity of the State, national security and public order, the protection of the rights and freedoms of others, the preservation of public safety, and the prevention of societal events and possible provocations during the period between February 22 and March 8.

The State of Bitlis required that security authorities obtain permission to hold various events in the city, provided that permission is obtained at least 48 hours before the event.

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