
Did ISIS transfer its Base from Syria to Turkey?! 

Many Sudanese activists on social media recalled the wars and atrocities committed by the “Kizan” during the reign of the defunct regime.

In the context of commenting on a news item from the World Food Program stating that 18 million people across the country are currently facing severe hunger, and children are dying due to lack of healthcare, activists pointed out the Muslim Brotherhood‘s obstruction of any peace negotiations to end the civil war and fighting in Sudan, as revenge against the people who revolted against them and ousted them from power, aiming to facilitate their return to control the country’s institutions.

The activists also recalled a fatwa issued to Omar al-Bashir regarding the necessity of killing one-third of the population, which they implemented by killing innocents in the south, turning the war in the south into a religious war to justify killing people from a jihadist perspective, to mobilize the people and push them to align with their (civilized) project, and they killed citizens in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains, Port Sudan, Kajbar, and in the heart of the capital. They created militias, armed tribes, and stirred up conflicts between them. They used innocent citizens in their wars, and when it came time to divide the spoils (the loot of the state), they limited the spoils to the organization’s members! They sold even the railroad lines and state institutions and looted the revenues of petroleum and gold, while the oppressed citizens continue to pay the price of their tyranny until today: deprivation of all their rights, wars and conflicts, international sanctions that affect the citizens and do not reach the state thieves, according to an article written by Ahmed al-Malik on the Sudanile website.

Al-Malik also pointed out that the return of the Mahdi’s poles after three decades to the same position as ambassador to Iran! A sign of the return of the defunct regime, and one does not listen to anyone who says that talk of the return of the “Kizan” is just a phobia!.

Al-Malik emphasized the need for concerted efforts by the sincere sons of this country to support every effort made to stop this absurd and cursed war, and to hold accountable those who ignited its flames and those who participated in it and all those who committed crimes against the citizens, who are paying the price of this absurd war.

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