
Dozens killed in al-Shabaab attack in central Somalia

Somali state media and residents said that the extremist group Al-Shabaab killed at least 20 people and burned seven food trucks in the Hayran region on Saturday morning.

Residents said the attack was in response to local mobilization against the al-Qaeda-linked group.

Hassan Abdullah, a resident, told The Associated Press by phone: “The victims were drivers and passengers transporting food supplies from Beledweyne to Hamas, and seven trucks carrying food and cars used by passengers were set ablaze”.

The attack came a day after government forces destroyed landmines planted by al-Shabaab on the busy road between Beledweyne and Matban to target travelers.

The Somali government condemned the barbaric attack and renewed its support for local mobilization against the extremist group, which controls large parts of central and southern Somalia.

The al-Qaeda-linked group has been fighting the Somali central government for more than a decade.

The group frequently launches strikes and attacks with firearms and other weapons on military and civilian targets.

Last month, more than 20 people were killed in an attack in which al-Shabaab fighters stormed the Hyatt Hotel in Mogadishu, sparking 30 hours of clashes as government forces sought to end the raid and free hostages.

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